Thursday 6 February 2014

Weighty matters!

Weight Watchers today - now for those who say - 'you don't need to be losing weight' - and I know who you are! - you're possibly right - but only because I watch it - hence weight watchers! This was actually the first meeting I'd been to in ages. Up until now I didn't really want to 'watch' or see the results of all the Christmas chocs! It's like if I don't see it, it hasn't happened. Then came the excuses - too busy, too sick, weather's too bad or I'm just too tired. Yes, I can see a lack of imagination there! There may have been a little truth in all of those, but they were excuses.

Today's weight watching experience was a positive one - I lost a little weight - that's the other thing about going or not - the trick is to go when you think the news is going to be good! I think there's something wrong with that theory, but sometimes it's a must. But there were other positives. I'd forgotten how much fun our class is with the nutty professor of a leader. And I'd forgotten how good it was to make the friends we have there. It was so lovely to be greeted by so many who not only remembered me, but had missed me. It was good to hear their stories and join in again with the congratulations or commiserations, depending on the dreaded scales!

I'm glad I'm back in the fold - not that I was ever really gone - just AWOL for a little while. There was a little notice up in class today which said something about not leaving your chair empty - in other words - don't weigh in, skip the actual class and go - unless of course you're on your way to work or something. And the reason was that we all need each other for support and encouragement - even in the old weight loss battle!

We've been asked to talk to a small group of people about encouragement and hope - who'd have thought a silly old weight watchers class would remind me that simply my being wherever in my seat, in my right God-given place, is an encouragement to others. 
That has challenged me and made me think - but I think I need some chocolate now to help the thinking process along!

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