Sunday 9 February 2014

Party time!

Do you ever throw a 'pity party'? If so, please don't invite me! And I'll promise, when I have one, I'll keep it to myself. Self-pity must be one of the least attractive of qualities. Actually rather than attract, it is more likely to repel. 'Pity parties' tend to have few guests - often lonely affairs; and not happy events even for the host.

And pity for others? We're often told 'they' don't want it. It can be demeaning for the one on the receiving end and can cause feelings of superiority in the giver. Pity can simply leave us feeling sad and helpless.

Now compassion - 'C' is for compassion in my little blog alphabet - that's a different thing. I read somewhere recently that 'pity is a feeling; compassion is a verb'. I immediately feel better, as a verb means I can do something. All these feelings of pity, sadness, helplessness etc I can do something about. I can turn feelings into actions. 

God is a compassionate God and Jesus shows us the way. A few nights ago with my lovely 'girlz' group we read a story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. Jesus was moved by compassion and reached out and touched the man. Yes, he healed him, but that touch alone must have been amazing to a man whose life was spent avoiding others and being shunned by them. 

Compassion asks us to reach out and do something - touch the untouchable. Today it's unlikely to be a person with leprosy for most of us, but there are many around us who are alone, vulnerable, sick, needy, troubled - who don't need our pity, but yes, need the compassion Jesus can place in our hearts.

And then there's a bonus because as we reach out in compassion for others, there's less and less room for self pity - more room for action. And who knows where that might take us?!

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