Monday 24 February 2014

All for one and one for all!

It's team time again - well at least the beginnings - the search for a Rwanda team for 2015. I have a good idea of the kind of team for this time round and some names in mind. Will be asking shortly! It's an exciting part of the process, but not the easiest. For Rwanda's sake and for the sake of individual team members it is important to get it right. This is where I am relieved that the real team picker is God and even when I don't get it he does know exactly what he's doing.

So what makes a team? Well, here are some thoughts.

'T' is for together. Always on the look-out for good team players; people who will play the game with others; play their part for the good of the rest; respect leadership - a kind of all for one and one for all. Yes, I'm looking for the musketeers!

'E' is for each - because while we want a good closely knit team we also love that each person brings that unique something that is all their own. Each has his/her own gifts, personalities and abilities. And even their own quirkiness. Love watching how God uses the quirky!

'A' is for adaptable. From experience this is a bigger challenge for some than it is for others! Even with the most detailed of planning nothing EVER goes to plan. You can sit around bemoaning the fact and going on about how 'they' should do better or different - or adapt - and learn that your way is not the only way - nor even always the best way.

'M' is for ministry - the willingness to serve. This is a must. There needs to be the expectation that hands will get dirty and hearts broken as we give all of us to all of 'them'. This is hugely rewarding but costly. Nothing ever quite prepares anyone for this - either the cost or the blessing.

Of course an overseas missions team may not be for you, but we are all on a team - the Jesus team - and all of the above apply as we serve him wherever and whenever. I'm sure we could all do the 'together' thing better, do our own thing better, adapt better and serve better. Jesus had a team and what a motley crew that was! And he has a team now - called the church. If Jesus were on the sidelines now as we play the game, I wonder what he would be shouting?!

Back to my team in formation - it's an exciting but wee bit daunting part of the whole process. Wouldn't be the first time I've been told - 'well, all the best with that lot!' before leaving! And then there's me - because they have to contend with me - now there's a challenge!

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