Wednesday 5 February 2014

'B' is for . . . . .

I love chocolate and one of my favourites is a Bounty bar - reminds me of my dad as it was his very favourite.  This morning, even before I had begun to think of what 'B' might be for in my blog alphabet, I read this verse - 'the earth is the Lord's and everything in it' God is a bountiful God.

God gives us so much and he can promise and give so much because it is all his and at his disposal. We have promises that we will have what we need if we trust him. We are encouraged not to worry, but to trust that God will provide. We are challenged to ask so that we will receive.

Yet I, for one, do have questions in my mind when I see the hungry suffer. I do wonder why a few have so much, while the many go without. I have seen God provide in amazing ways, but I have also been in situations of utter helplessness where I have had to turn people away hungry. 

I don't have all the answers; haven't even voiced all the questions. But one thought for today on this. Maybe when we speak of God's bounty, God's provision, and having everything we need, maybe we are looking at all the wrong things. Maybe we need to begin at the beginning.

Alongside my Bible verse this morning I read this quote - 'The man who has God for his treasure has all things in one' Tozer. Reminds me of the New Testament thought to 'seek first the kingdom'. And the idea of where our heart is that's where our treasure is. 

God is a bountiful and generous God - yes, we may have our questions as we live and puzzle it out in a damaged world - but how can we question God's generosity when he sent his most precious possession to save us - to bring us that one thing we need more that all else - salvation - true treasure.

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