Wednesday 26 February 2014

Pennies from Heaven

I was a Brownie once. I loved it and vividly remember many of the details of Brownie life. I can almost smell the shoe polish as my dad polished my had-to-be brown shoes. And the smell of Brasso as I insisted on polishing badges and buckles myself. I was definitely an OCD Brownie. Everything had to be exactly right!

One Brownie event I loved was 'Thinking Day' when we were encouraged to think of Brownies all over the world, and in the case of my Brownie pack, generally think good thoughts all day. As part of Thinking Day we had to shine a penny, along with the badges and buckles. I'm not too sure what that was all about, but I loved the shiny pennies. I'm just realising that I have no idea what became of them!

Today I also remember another penny from childhood. A boy knocked me over in the playground and my very favourite teacher gave me a cold penny to hold against the bump on my head. Don't think anyone had heard of A&E and concussion! When I went to return it to her she said I could keep it. She may as well have given me a thousand pounds, it was so precious. A little girl who rarely had money for sweets (violins out!) didn't even spend it for a very long time. I treasured that penny so dearly. That was largely because of the person who gave it to me - the giver made the gift special.

So to everyone out there who continues to give me pennies today - thank you. They are precious, yes, because of how much stuff they turn into in Rwanda, but also because you, the givers are precious too. Never underestimate the value of the penny - each one counts and is much appreciated.

And the bump on the head? Some would say that explains a lot! it was almost worth it for that very special penny.

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