Saturday 15 February 2014

Keeping up Appearances

To a Louse (on seeing one on a lady's bonnet at church)

'And would that some Power the small gift give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us'

Robbie Burns

I wonder how we see ourselves? We can be quick to comment on others - even if not out loud! - their dress, hair or general appearance. It's said that within seconds of someone entering a room we will have made several judgments about them, much of that based on appearance. I look at teens sometimes and think - it's ok; it's a phase; she'll grow out of it - but also remember my teens when no doubt many an adult thought the same! I can still hear my dad - 'you're not going out like that, are you?' Beyond the teenage years the trend today seems to be to look as young as you can for as long as you can, with teeth as white as possible and skin - well, orange seems to be all the rage!

Does it really matter how someone else sees you? Well, according to Robbie Burns it just might save some embarrassment. It's useful to have that person around to tell you that a sample of your dinner is all down your front or that you are about to go out in your slippers! But in a sense it matters not, as long as you're happy.

When I was putting together this little picture I had a wee smile to myself when I saw the grey hair option. I didn't have to 'pretend' I was still dark-haired or go blonde. I could be me. And that is what is important - to be me. God made a 'one of' when he made me. I am unique. Physically I inherited some of me. How I dress is my choice. Mannerisms etc I have picked up over years. 

I am me. And I am perfectly happy being me. The thing is it has little to do with appearance. What makes me me is what is inside, and while that is certainly not perfect, it is what God sees and what he is working on - a beautiful work of art! And that is true for us all.

By the way, if I do go out in my slippers no one will notice as they are like boots! I can get away with that one. But if you ever see me with the remains of dinner down my front, please feel free to point it out - but then quickly duck!

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