Saturday 1 February 2014

Run the race

Once upon a time I was a 'Spice Girl' - all in the cause of entertainment at a 'do' at church. It was good fun and certainly entertaining - though that might depend on your definition of the word!  Possibly the most absurd aspect of the whole thing was that I was 'Sporty Spice', because if you knew me well you would know that there is not a sporty bone in my body.

One of my greatest dislikes in school was sport, and particularly running. Time and time again I would be part way round the track thinking 'what's the point?' I never got the point in starting to run just to get to the end and stop running! As for trying to beat someone else - well, it always seemed so much more important to that 'someone else' so why not let them have it?! Not only do I not have a sporty bone about me, but there is rarely any trace of competitiveness either. The latter has caused a few problems with competitors whose cry of 'you're not really trying' I can still hear.

Today this is what I read in my Bible - 'Run in such a way as to get the prize'. Now this race I do get - the race of life you might call it. I have a goal in this one - to live well, serve Jesus and others and reach 'home'. I will run and run and run to win this one because there is a point and a purpose. There is a point in the 'running' and there is a clear goal well worth reaching. Someone prayed with me when I was coming up to retirement and said they believed God wanted me to know that I wouldn't drift into Heaven or stagger over the line, but would 'hit Heaven running'. That was an amazing thought. I pray so much it's true - and I will keep running to make sure it is!

By the time I get there I may well be old and doddery but in my heart I will, with God's help, run across that finish line and know for sure that there really was a point and winning the race was worth everything.

Funny thing struck me as I read the Bible stuff this morning - I hardly noticed the bit about the prize because it hit me that the race itself alone is worth running. There is such a reward in running with Jesus in life - the reward is part of it all at the end, and wonderful and amazing and well, beyond description. But for now, the race is reward enough. 
Never thought I'd say that of any race!

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