Tuesday 11 February 2014

People who need people

I thought when I stopped work I'd have loads of time for hobbies. How foolish was that?! Don't get me wrong I have lots of time to do things I enjoy, but much of that time is taken up with fund raising ideas - how to make money for Rwanda is top of the list. One hobby I haven't had much time for involves little houses. I love dolls' houses - notice the plural! I have 3! I love them - enjoy decorating, finding furniture, making curtains etc. And one day hopefully there'll be more time to 'play'!

One thing I notice about my houses is that there are lots of quirky little items there, but no people. There are a couple of tiny babies in their cot. but no big people. There are some lovely chairs, but no one to sit on them. Last evening, with some friends we were talking about encouraging each other - I mentioned this a few days ago in 'Weighty Matters' I think it was called - how we need to be in our place - take our seat - be where we are meant to be. That's where we find encouragement and also the opportunities to encourage others.

Today my houses remind me that we can spend a lot of time on stuff and not enough on people. We can spend a lot of time on appearances and not enough on the things that will last. We can fill our lives with nice things but still feel empty. 

We need people and people need us. The reason my houses have no people in them - before the psychologist in you comes up with some wacky reason! - is that I haven't yet found little people I like the look of. Maybe some day I'll find some I like. Real life though is not like that - we are a bunch of all sorts. If we only go for people we 'like the look of' we'll miss out on such a lot - opportunities to learn, encourage and be encouraged. 

And if anyone out there finds some little people I might like the look of please let me know - but I am very fussy about who I hang out with in my miniature world! Now that does sound worrying - even to me!

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