Thursday 20 February 2014

Lost and Found

I am the world's expert on getting lost. I have had some scary and very amusing moments in the country called 'Lost'. I once got on the wrong bus in Lima and decided that the only thing to do was stay put - once I realised - as it was late and dark and scary. I figured that that was safer and once 'there' (wherever 'there' was) I could decide what to do. We got to the end of the line which turned out to be the middle of nowhere and I was the only person on the bus apart from the driver - people don't generally want to go to the middle of nowhere. The driver turned to me and said 'Now where exactly did you want to go?' I told him and he kindly took me to another bus and told that driver where to leave me. I have been 'lost' umpteen times in hospitals and shopping centres - my specialities! And on several occasions have had to phone someone, describe where I am and find out how to get where I need to be!

My bunch of girlies and myself were talking last night about what it is to be lost in the sense Jesus meant it - how we are/were all lost; how some seem more lost than others; how some don't know they're lost; how some almost deliberately get lost; how some, like me, are simply more prone to being lost! Jesus doesn't want us living in the land called 'Lost'. That's why he came to find us. But we can be a bit stubborn. Men have a reputation for never asking for directions - the macho thing apparently is to drive round in circles until you eventually find where you are going no matter how long it takes and how much fuel you waste! Can I say men are not the only ones? I have travelled many miles out of my way, not really 'lost' - simply taking the scenic route!

I put down my tendency to get lost to an absence of any sense of direction. I could easily go out my front door right now and take a wrong turn at the gate. So when I think of the whole thing of Jesus finding me - and I'm so glad he did - I see it as him giving me direction in life. It's like he found me, picked me up and pointed me in the right direction. And I haven't stopped since. Jesus has made a few gentle direction changes now and again, but I know with him I am on the right track. And with him I can never be truly lost. I'll never really end up in the middle of nowhere because with God there is always an amazing somewhere. Not only does he give us direction, keep us from getting lost, but he is also the destination. Can't get better than that.

Some one has said that things are never really lost. They are simply not where they were last seen or where they are meant to be. When Jesus came for us he came to place us where we are meant to be - and the adventure begins!

By the way, if you ever see me wandering anywhere looking lost, I probably am! I might tell you I am simply taking the scenic route, but that's generally not true, so have mercy, save me some energy and gently point me in the right direction!

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