Saturday 1 March 2014

'One person's rubbish . . . . .?'

The car boot queens were at it again this morning. This was another of those fundraising mornings involving selling stuff no longer wanted or items donated - and being careful to BUY NOTHING yourself! The second part of the deal didn't work and never does - home with some lovely boxes, notebooks and new coffee mugs!

Every time I look at our boot table I think - 'who on earth will buy (this time round) a watch with no battery, a giant dice, a bag looking like it was made of your granny's old curtains and a back scratcher?!' But yet again we discover that there is a buyer for most items out there and a home for each treasured piece.

Doing boot sales is as much about the people and the conversations as anything else. We hadn't done one for a long time so it was good to see some old 'booty friends'. It is also a great place to people watch and play the 'I know who that is but - 

* where from?
* what's her name?
* how is it she seems to know me?' game.

I also think that one day I will be that person who finds the buried treasure bought for £1 and sold for £1,000's. Boot sales remind me that what we might call rubbish isn't so when in the right hands. And that's exactly what God says to us. You might think you've messed up, rubbished life or aspects of it - but God calls you treasure because in His hands that's exactly what you are - highly prized treasure - worth dying for.

By the way we raised some money for Rwanda. The dice sold to a lady who said they were hard to find! The bag looked amazing, quirky and cool over its new owner's shoulder, the back scratcher is still there - but if suddenly your back is starting to itch you know where I am! And the watch - gone to the great watch-maker in the sky!

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