Monday 31 March 2014

Mum's the word

After all the 'overdosing' on mothers yesterday I'm daring to visit the subject one more time! I have to agree with a number of the sentiments, but was left with the conclusion that no way did I have the best mum ever - if you take a look at fb messages, there are just so many others out there! None of us is perfect and I didn't have the perfect mum - but the most important conclusion I came to yesterday was that she was mine and I loved her.

More importantly my heart went out yesterday to some lovely friends who I know longed for children they were never able to have; others who lost babies and children and never had others; and some little children who have lost mum. It's true of any celebration of anything - there will always be those for whom 'celebrate' is not quite the right word.

I have met some amazing mothers - here, but especially overseas. When things were tough many years back in Peru, mothers came to me looking for food - not for themselves, but always for their children - and often sacrificed everything short of life itself to feed them. I still meet incredible mothers in Rwanda, who against awful odds, raise strong, beautiful, Godly children. And I meet many many orphaned children, who without a mother, have raised themselves with the help of some often unsung mother figures. 

And I am 'mama' to some of the most amazing children ever - but then maybe I'm just a little bit biased! I never had children, but I love my African and Peruvian children with a passion. In Peru we often sang the song 'Jesus loves the little children - all the children of the world'. Today I am so thankful for all 'my' children and trust they will always know themselves much much loved by me, but most especially by God.

And to all you lovely friends out there who are mothers - for the last time this year - HAPPY (belated) MOTHERS DAY! May God help you do an amazing job x


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