Monday 3 March 2014

And the Oscar goes to .....

The Oscar winners are in and I was glad to see '12 Years a Slave' was successful. That's partly because for once I have kept up and have actually seen the film. I found it powerful, moving and harrowing. It left me with the question of how could such a thing have happened? What ever made man think he could use and abuse a fellow human in such a way? 

I think the answer is in the question. Man didn't see man as a fellow human. He became something less; he became a commodity to be traded. And today, maybe for different purposes at times, trade in humans continues because someone looks at another and sees a 'For Sale' sign; a commodity to be traded.

And lest we self-righteously feel our hands are clean we need to remember that when we look at ANY human being and see them as 'other'; as less than human; we ought to beware. We all need freeing from self-righteousness, judgmentalism and prejudice. 

Coincidentally (?) today I just read this - 'If the Son sets you free, you are free through and through'

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