Tuesday 4 March 2014

Pancake anyone?

I have just had a pancake - hardly an earth shattering statement, especially considering it's Pancake Tuesday. The thing is pancakes are not my favourites. I'd never think of having one normally. They come pretty far down the list of my 'things to have with my coffee'. But today I had one - lovely actually - filled with raspberry and white chocolate. Yum!

But why? Because it's what you do today? because everyone else is having pancakes? The latter is certainly not true because by nature if 'everyone' does it the rebel in me rises up and refuses! I suppose though there is something in me that likes these little customs and traditions. I especially love it when we carry on family traditions and then, even better, make our own. There's something comforting in it all.

Today the pancake custom reminds me that Lent begins tomorrow and I'm still considering what I might do to mark it this year. I'm not one of the 'giving up chocolate' brigade. I will certainly give up something, but only in order to 'take up' something else - something beneficial; something of a challenge; something that will cost me; something I can offer God. What that is stays largely between me and Him - once I've come up with IT!

But my very tasty pancake and the coming of Lent and then Easter reminds me of all I have. I have so much to be thankful for. I have a home I share with my best friend. I have 2 mad dogs which bring us lots of laughs. I have things to do which bring me real joy and satisfaction. I may not have much 'real' family left, but I have a wonderful world-wide family and am 'mama' to some fabulous children. And as I think of them I am thankful that on this day I have more than enough food to eat - including pancakes - and pray that they too will eat enough today.

And I am thankful for Jesus. No matter what I might give up or take up, nothing compares with all he gave up, and the cross he took up, for me. So I simply say thank you Jesus.

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