Thursday 13 March 2014

Rust Proof

I love a bargain. I love something that proves its value. So many things today are throw-away, and while some of that is good, it makes for a lot of waste. Everyone has to have the latest whatever, so the not-the-latest becomes quickly obsolete.

Yesterday I was sorting my sewing box and found these little fasteners. The age might tell you how long has passed since I sorted my sewing bits! The 7D was what I noticed first, and that made me smile. I'm still trying to work out how much pre-decimal 7D is in real/today's money!? I am old enough to remember the arrival of the 'new pence'. I remember my grandmother handing her purse over to a shop assistant and saying - 'take what I owe you from there' - as she struggled to cope. Like most things with my gran, 'nothing good would come from 'them' changing our money'! And every time I spend 60p or so on a wee bun or a chocolate bar I can still hear my mum saying - '12 shillings - I'm not paying that!'

Then I noticed the 'rust proof' on the card of snap fasteners. And, would you believe it, there are 6 little poppers left on the card and not a speck of rust to be found! I have to say I was impressed. I wish I could find Mr Newey and tell him how good his fasteners were. I reckon they are certainly around 50 years old. Now for whoever bought them - that is a bargain!

I wish I'd lasted as well. I wish I hadn't the spongey bones, creaky joints and crummy vocal chords - though thankful for the good bits too! But one thing I never want to do is rust. Rust happens when something is neglected and not used. Or not made of the right stuff to last and do its job. I want to keep on going right to the end - bright and shiny and useful to God who made me. He certainly made me of the right stuff. It's up to me not to neglect what he has given me and to use all the resources he has provided me with for the purpose he made me for. 

The sewing box is all tidy with things I'm likely to use now easier to find - and whether I'm likely to ever use them, the poppers are going back in there cos it would be a shame to get rid of them after all this time now, wouldn't it?!

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