Friday 7 March 2014

Enough is enough!

Some people have a 'bucket list' - things they want to do before they die or run out of steam! This can include places to visit. Last year I got to visit Rome - somewhere I'd always wanted to see. It can be something like learning a new language - maybe I'll get to grips with Kinyarwanda before I run out of steam! For some, it might be something new to experience - swimming with sharks, riding the world's most scary rollercoaster or jumping form an aeroplane - that's a no, no and another no from me then!

Others have a similar list, though this time it's the 'when I win the Lottery' list. I don't even get off the starting blocks on that one because it's hard to win when you're not in! But like many others I imagine, I have dreamt about what I would do with £1,000,000. 

I spent an hour in church this morning as we're open for 24/7 prayer. I enjoyed the peace and quiet and the way it helps me focus on God and the things of life that really matter. A phrase that stands out for me today from that experience is 'I lack nothing' reminding me that I have so much, and so much to be thankful for. It reminds me that whatever I have, I have enough. I lack NOTHING.

The world might tell me I need this, that or the other to be happy or fulfilled. It might tell me that without such and such an experience I 'haven't lived'. I might be led to believe that I am something less than complete because I haven't done . . . . whatever. 

But I know better. I know 'I lack nothing' and in Christ am happy, fulfilled and complete. 

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