Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sound talk

Someone somewhere, according to a news report today, is making an archive of sounds from the past before the time comes when we hear them no more. Got us thinking what sounds from the past would we preserve or love to hear again. I'm sure, given time, I could come up with quite a list - but here are some. 

The sound of lawnmowers (the push kind) and old style hedge clippers ushering in long, hot summers - well, that's how I remember them!. The ring of the hand held school bell - especially when you were given the privilege of
ringing it. I remember being allowed to ring a similar bell in hospital to signal the end of visiting. The sound of guiders racing down the hill at the end of our street on ball bearing wheels. River sounds as we played endless games by the Lagan with no 'health and safety' concerns. The noise made by a steam train approaching the station - it scared me a bit, but often meant holidays in Bangor! My grandad's voice saying my name. 

Sounds, like smells, can be very evocative and moving. They can take us back to places and events almost forgotten. As I was doing the list above I was well aware of sounds that would haunt me if I let them - sounds I'd rather  be able to forget if I could. But I choose to remember the good sounds.

We live in a world today of constant sound - or noise. Some people seem permanently attached to sound from phones, ipods and the like. You could get the impression that there is no room for 'the sound of silence'. I'm reminded that God speaks often with that still, small voice; God speaks often in the silence. 

And my favourite sounds today? Babies giggling - the best sound ever. That first Sunday back in Rwanda each time with the sound of worship coming from church. 

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