Wednesday 22 January 2014

Who, me?

This picture has been a real joy to me. It came the other day from Peru and shows a girl called Karina and some children she is teaching at church. It fills me with joy because I knew Karina as a child, and at one time her family was a big part of my life. I can't put into words how good it is to see her and to see what she is doing today. If I could go into their story in detail here you might understand how amazing a photo like this is.

The picture appeared on facebook. I commented on how lovely it was and got this response - 'I am only following your example' Those words touched me deeply because I often wonder about all my children and what has become of them. I don't deny it felt good to know I'd left something so valuable behind.

But I have also been hugely challenged by Karina's words. Just a few days before seeing this I read these word of Paul - 'I urge you to imitate me' - and thought, as I always do when seeing this verse, that I wanted to be worthy of imitation - that what people imitated of me would be of the Jesus they see in me.

I find that a challenge. Whether it be with family, friends, people we work for or serve - whatever - to be Jesus - the only 'me' worth imitating - and to have nothing in me that hides Jesus from others or distorts his image. 

And Karina - te quiero mucho x

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