Thursday, 2 January 2014

All work . . . . .

'All work and no play  . . . . .' the saying goes. I made a comment today along the lines of it feeling like I was back at work - then realising that - hey I don't have a job! It was, of course very tongue in cheek. I will shortly celebrate 4 years since 'retirement' and have to say it's been mostly good. Once I stopped thinking every other second that I ought to be 'doing' something I settled into it very nicely thank you. I still have the odd moment of 'I'm sure there's something else I should be doing' but am on the whole happily 'resting'. 

Just before retirement I had my first trip to Rwanda, and being freed from paid employment has meant greater and greater involvement there - one of the greatest blessings in my life. 

I love the freedom to pick and choose what I do and get involved in. I love those days when I can do unplanned, spur of the moment things. I love it that the buck these days always stops with someone else!

But I love my work - the work God has given me - just right, tailor made, all mine - and as I was reminded today - there's no such thing as retirement in the Kingdom - I'm glad to say.

Finally today, there's no such thing as 'all work' - there are always coffee breaks - and this was today's - 'cheers Sally'!

1 comment:

  1. And very nice it was too bestie - here's to many more!!
