Thursday 16 January 2014

The joys win

Clearing out old papers etc from my files and from my life is a big part of my day to day life just now, so inevitably that's where my thoughts are as I do this blog. It is proving very therapeutic, eye-opening and thought-provoking. It is not, as some might think, a depressing look back or a nostalgic 'wish I was there' exercise. Some of it is amazing. I am at present 'doing Peru' (where I spent the 1980's) and wading through stuff from a place that wasn't part of my life, but WAS my life for about 10 years. I almost have to pinch myself to remember that all that was really me. Writing about it here helps me remember, to celebrate it and even lay some things to rest.

Today we are in 'My Day' - excerpts from an article I once had to write for a magazine. The glamorous picture of me was drawn by one of my lovely Peruvian children - Pati!

'Today, like any other, is full of the joys and frustrations of life in the city of Lima. One of the biggest problems we 6,000,000 inhabitants face at present is lack of electricity and water. The presence, or not of these, greatly influence the day's activities. Today, for example, cuts will mean no money from the bank, no washing done, too much time spent in traffic due to no traffic lights, a Bible study by candle-light, and a scary walk home in the dark' 

I have to smile at how happy I sometimes was with the 'no washing done' bit!

I also write in that article about the joys of the day - 'the odd nappy to change, child to 'pot' and baby to feed - definitely count among the joys' . . . .  along with 'surprise coffee and cake'

The article ends with these words - 'It's been a good day. The joys won!' 

I celebrate that today. The joys always win in the end.

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