Wednesday 15 January 2014

Lead the way!

Just taking the first steps towards my next big Rwanda trip! Exciting! So far it's planning to chat it over with someone, coming up with a list of those I'd love to see come, thinking of dates and jotting down some mad thoughts and ideas. I get very excited just writing this!

Early days I know, but the excitement is in knowing what can come of these early ramblings. Some amazing things have come from tiny thought seeds in my wee head. Once shared with others they just grow and grow; often enriched by thoughts of others.

I'm still at my big clear-out, by the way, and just yesterday found some mustard seeds. They're going nowhere. They are precious as they remind me of what can grow from such a minute little seed. I am a wee small thing myself - I have had all the nicknames down the years - Titch, Shorty, Mini - and probably worse! My favourite is Mighty Mouse - because that is me - tiny like a wee mouse but mighty because that is how God has made me.

But the mustard seed reminds me also of faith - goes without saying - faith as small as a mustard seed is all that's required - in my Great Big God! So as the jitters arrive alongside the excitement of plans for the future, I trust - it will be magnificent! Lord, lead the way!

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