Saturday 13 September 2014

Limbo Land!

Well it's back to this blog, as Rwanda 2014 has been and gone. That's not quite true as I attempt to settle and make sense of all the experiences I've had over the 3 weeks away. Then there's the follow up, and even the beginnings of plans for 'Rwanda - the next time'! This will all keep me very busy for some time to come.

Not unusually for me, at this stage of 'just back' I'm feeling a bit in limbo. There's lots to do, but I can sit and stare at my desk or laptop for ages, not quite sure what to do. There are places to go, but I can't decide where, so stay put. There are people to see, but who? It's a strange, unsettling place to be and I don't like it much.

The journey out of it begins with small steps. I broke my foot back in April and know all about the small steps needed to walk properly again. I know I have to go gently with myself; not rush; not run before I can walk. But I also know I have to step out. I'm not entirely sure what I'm stepping into, but God knows, and that is all that matters.

I suppose I need a kick start again - I know one or two people who might offer to help out there - no thanks! I know God will provide that, and actually even as I write this I'm getting a wee bit excited about what form it might take. 

For now, routine is helpful, and the regular Saturday visit to the chippy has helped! 

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