Thursday 18 September 2014

In a word.....

The reason we still go to Weight Watchers, apart from trying to ensure the lost 3 stone plus is never found again, is simply because it is just such good fun. This morning was no exception - full of jokes and laughs and funny stories. Of course we're there to commiserate with each other when things don't go quite right, and encourage one another when targets are reached. Over the years we have made some good friends. But the thing that keeps us going along as often as we can is simply the fact that it is such fun.

One of this morning's funny stories was one Sally shared about an episode during our latest trip to Rwanda. We were visiting some friends, sitting there engaged in polite conversation, when Justine said to Sally - 'Sally, you have become fat'! Remembering where we were this morning, the reaction to the story was a unique Weight Watchers' blend of shock/horror and much amusement!

The thing is, Justine meant no harm. Regardless of whether what she said was true or not - and I'm not going there! - Justine was being complimentary. She was saying that Sally looked well and healthy and prosperous. In her culture a little weight - not saying a word, Sally! - is a good sign. It means you are prospering - to put it bluntly - you are not going without food. Her words in her context were good words.

All this made me think about how we use words. Along with the funny stories this morning were also some horrible stories of cruel words spoken to people which had obviously hurt. We fire words around often very carelessly, forgetting that they can never be taken back. I often cringe at words people use on Twitter or facebook especially. I can 'hide' these words or remove them from my view, but they've still been said - they are still out there.

It's little wonder the Bible has some strong words of its own to say about the tongue -
 'No one can tame the tongue. It is restless evil, full of deadly poison' 
James 3

Thankfully though, it's not all bad news. James also tells us that from the tongue can come blessing. Our words can bless. 

My word for today - 'Bless you!'

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