Monday 15 September 2014

What's in a name?

I have a dreadful head for names. I never was much good - facing a new class of up to 40 children when I started teaching was a bit of a nightmare! I had to invent all kinds of tricks to remember names, and make sure that for quite a number of weeks no one moved from her allotted seat. Strange how quickly I learned the names of the trouble makers though! Recently things have not improved - if anything, it gets worse and more embarrassing as it's not only new names that cause the problems, but I find myself struggling an odd time with a very familiar face or two. The good thing about that one is that I'm in the same boat as friends my age and we all attribute it to the wonderful era of 'senior moments'!

I have always wanted to be better with names as I know how important it is and how special it can make someone feel to be known and remembered by name. I am at present putting together a presentation, along with information sheets, for people who sponsor children with us in Rwanda. We try hard to learn to recognise all our children each time we visit, and doing the presentation is a great opportunity to test myself on names. When we go people are often surprised that we know the children by name, but we do try because it's important.

Names are special in Rwanda and carry special meaning. This last time we visited a girl, once on our list of sponsored children, who herself has had a baby. The circumstances surrounding the baby's birth were not easy and not as one would have wished, but she is a beautiful, healthy, special wee creation. She has been born into a life of extreme poverty, her future and that of her mother are full of uncertainties. She is born into struggle from day one. And her name? Irabizi Vanessa. 'Irabizi' means 'he (God) knows'. That name stays with that child forever and is a reminder that whatever the circumstances of her birth, however life goes for her - God knows. He knew her in the womb, knows her every step and loves her. Meeting her, it certainly seemed the most appropriate name ever.

So, I may forget or stumble over your name - sorry - but God won't. I may even one day forget my own name - wouldn't surprise me! But God will never forget. He knows!

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