Friday 3 October 2014

Out of the comfort zone

Our spell of good weather seems  to have come to an end - for now at least. As I was out this morning, all wrapped up in my winter coat, I couldn't help thinking that in spite of the rain, it was a nice feeling to be all snuggled up in a coat. If you're like me 'cosy' is a lovely word. For me it speaks of a glowing fire burning in the grate, warm jumper, slippers, hot chocolate and contented - even snoring - dogs!

And then, just as I slip into contented unconsciousness, I remember that I'm not meant to get too comfy - certainly not in my walk with God. I'm constantly told I need to move out of my comfort zone - not that I need told as I have often said the same to others! We move and work best in the UN-comfortable zone because that's where Jesus is. He's the one who had 'nowhere to lay his head'; no comfy fire, armchair and slippers. He was the one who walked the hot, dusty roads and went into those homes of awkward, embarrassed silences where no one knew quite what to say. He was the one who was despised by his enemies and deserted by his friends. He was the one tortured and beaten, and finally cruelly put to death. It doesn't come more uncomfortable than that.

And then there's that other side to the word 'comfort' that means to 'give strength to' and when I think of that, it all makes sense. When we step out of our comfortable places we often feel weak and vulnerable. They are places where we can't  always rely on the 'been there, done that' thing. The old and familiar have gone. Even the people we have come to rely on aren't there. And we don't feel like we can rely even on ourselves.

What better place to be?! In this place there is room for Jesus; a need of Jesus that sometimes gets lost. A dependence on him that was long gone. You want awakened out of the dull, daily routine that passes for life? Step out and join Jesus. You might have to leave the slippers - or whatever your particular 'comfort blanket' happens to be - but you'll never be more comfortable than in that place where Jesus is.

But beware - even what we think are the 'happening' places aren't. Our high risk, exciting, 'out of the comfort zone' places all too easily become new comfort zones full of people just like us - and we are so, so comfortable there.

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