Thursday 2 October 2014


A lot of people on my fb today seem quite starstruck. And once more the word 'legend' is being bandied about a fair bit. Every time I see #legend I wonder what the particular person has done to qualify as 'legend'. Or maybe it's nothing to do with what they've done - maybe it says more about the kind of person they are. It seems at times like someone can be 'legend' because they've brought you a nice timely coffee during a busy spell at work!

A dictionary tells me that a 'legend' can be so called because they are a celebrity, a star, a phenomenon, a 'big name', a megastar! My problem with this list is that our celebrities, stars etc. are often so short-lived; so 'here today, gone tomorrow'. So 'feet of clay'. Not what I would call 'legend'.

But the same dictionary also describes a legend as a 'wonder' - someone to be wondered at, amazed by or in awe of. Now I think that's more like it. I can remember being fascinated by old myths and legends; heroic tales leaving me lost in wonder and amazement. 

I still have some heroes; people I admire and look up to; people who have inspired me - and still do. Most of their names would be unheard of, but they have given me something to wonder at or aspire to. Most of them wouldn't want the #legend thing. They are simply doing their best to live out the life God has given them, following in the steps of the one true legend - God's son, Jesus. If anyone merits #legend it's Jesus. He certainly gets all my awe and wonder, and I know this is one 'legend' who will never let me down.

I've been #legend myself a time or two. I wobble on the pedestal now and again. Let's hope I don't fall off! Don't take it all too seriously is what I say!

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