Thursday 1 January 2015

A New leaf

Among all the New Year messages drifting about I read this - 'Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!'

I keep diaries on and off and was thinking that this year I'll give it a go again. This comes from the 'fun' I've had reading bits from diaries from the past - part of another big clear out! I've also done photo a day stuff once or twice - also great fun to look back on.

Of course if you keep either of the above honestly, there will be a mix of things there - really happy, joyous moments along with sad times and difficult spells. But it's all you, and actually looking back and seeing it all there, in black and white as it were, helps put everything in perspective.

And now I have the challenge from the quote here - 'today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!' That is not so much about keeping a diary - it's more about living life well day by day - like writing a book with my life. As a Christian I believe God has my 2015 planned out. He's with me as I enter it, but at the same time ahead of me preparing the way. He 'knows the end from the beginning'. I also believe that my life is in some ways like a book, available for others to read and that what I 'say' by my life is important.

But just because I believe God has it all planned doesn't mean I simply sit back and enjoy or endure the ride - and knowing my life so far that should read 'roller-coaster ride'!  I am a very active participant in my story or book. Even with God at the helm (we seem to have moved from roller-coaster to boat!) I will have decisions to make along the way, directions to move in, choices to make. God 'directs our paths' He 'makes our ways plain' but he also gives us free will and leaves part of the writing of our 2015 story to us.

I have no idea what 2015 will bring. None of us does. Apart from the things that will happen to me - way beyond my control - I'm sure I may well make some silly decisions, take some wrong roads and make some poor choices - but it will be my story and God will be there to forgive the mistakes and re-direct where necessary! 

I've always liked writing and I used to love really nice paper - the kind with a lovely faint watermark or pattern to it. As I open my 'Miriam 2015' blank book I like to think that each page is stamped with the presence of God, and that as I 'write' the latest adventures of me this year, I will be living my life to the full with and for Him.

Well, today's diary entry would be full of normal, ordinary things - bacon butty, grocery shopping, daft dogs, dafter bestie - but also a wonderful consciousness of God's presence on a day when I remember my dad and those last moments of his spent with me and his maker as He took him home one New Year's Day. Lots of smiles and laughs remembering him. And lots of hope for what's to come.

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