Tuesday 11 November 2014

Lest we forget

November 11th was my dad's birthday. Had he lived he would have been 100 years old today. We have had lots of laughs remembering him, sharing stories and celebrating - not his birthday, but his life. Sally never knew my dad, but I'm sure she thinks she does and could tell all my stories as well as I can! For as long as I can remember, each year coming up to his birthday, he would say 'November 11th - lest we forget' As if we would forget - or be allowed to! As he grew older and was showing the first signs of dementia he had 'the interview' with a doctor. He asked the usual questions - name, year, name of the Prime Minister - and 'what is your date of birth Mr Hull?' It has to be confessed that he didn't do too well in this particular 'test', but to this last question he answered 'the 11th day of the 11th month - lest we forget'. It was to be the first time I had to smile at the first of many wacky, funny things my dad would say over the rest of his life.

Today has been a good day, doing little silly things that no one else would understand, that remind me of my dad. Of course I've shed a wee tear, but the laughter and fun have way outweighed the tears. I choose how I remember my childhood, which includes my dad. I choose to remember the happy times, the fun and the best moments. I could choose to remember differently, but then I'd have lost out. The memories would be purely bitter and I would be robbed of the little, silly things which never fail to bring a smile to my face - especially on a day like today. 

It's an amazing thing when you stop to think about it, but we have the power to choose in lots of circumstances of life. Through the Bible we're urged to 'choose life' and that is the major choice any of us will make. But as a result of making that choice we are then free to choose - forgiveness or bitterness - love or hate - imprisoned or free. Today I remember with love a dad who loved me and did the best he knew how to be a good dad. And today once more he brought a smile to my face.

Tonight's celebration of my dad involves chocolate - come on, you might have guessed! He wasn't a big lover of chocolate or sweets - how could he be my dad, I wonder?! But he loved Bounty bars and I bought them for him regularly - including a Bounty egg at Easter. So tonight - chocolate here I come Thank you dad - like I need an excuse for chocolate!

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